====== H2SX ====== H2SX is a subsidiary of St. Georges Eco-Mining that focuses on hydrogen technology. ===== Timeline ===== ==== 2024 ==== On October 2nd, SX announced that H2SX's partner, [[wintech|Wintech]], have completed the installation of equipment required for a hydrogen production system in Seoul, South Korea.((https://webfiles.thecse.com/SX_Press_Release_-_October_2_2024_-Hydrogen_Production_System_Successfully_Installed_at_Korean_Partners_New_Facilities.pdf)) {{:h2sx_equipment.png|}} //Partial view of some of the cyclones and reactor of the 75kW Hydrogen production showcase plant.// On August 1st, SX announced that H2SX has secured a financing agreement with a private Canadian company under an NDA. Under the terms of the agreement, the undisclosed company will acquire 75% of St. Georges' holding in H2SX.((https://webfiles.thecse.com/SX_Press_Release_-_August_1_2024_-_St-Georges_Receives_an_Offer_to_Acquire_a_Majority_Stake_in_H2SX.pdf))